Bunion Surgery: Restoring Persistent Problems

Bunion Surgery: Restoring Persistent Problems

Have you been struggling with a painful bunion? Maybe you tried to seek treatment for the problem before, but found little relief. Now shoes rub on the bump and it’s becoming harder to walk normally without pain. Maybe you’re not sure your condition qualifies for surgical correction—or perhaps you know that surgery is available, but are too nervous about the idea to investigate it. The truth is that a bunionectomy is a safe procedure that can offer real relief to people whose feet are not responding to other remedies.

When Surgery Is Needed

Bunions are considered a foot deformity, because the painful damage is actually the result of the first metatarsal and the big toe bones becoming displaced. The big toe leans in toward the smaller ones, pushing the metatarsal away from its neighbor and causing the joint to bulge. Since it’s a problem with the bones, conservative treatment can’t correct it—only help you manage the symptoms and progression of the problem. To realign the bones and truly eliminate the condition, you would need a bunionectomy, or bunion removal surgery.

Your joint does not have to be severely deformed to qualify for surgical intervention. In fact, the earlier a bunion is dealt with, the more likely the remedies are to be successful. However, these procedures are reserved for when conservative treatment has failed to manage the condition properly. Your foot is painful and the joint may be progressively more deformed from the pressure placed on it. Despite shoe changes, orthotics, padding, and pain medications, your mobility and comfort are still being affected by this problem. In that case, surgery may be your best option for relieving your discomfort and restoring your lower limbs.

Intervening in the Foot

There are several different ways a bunionectomy can be performed: the bones can be realigned and the excess tissue on the joint shaved down; the bones may be cut to reposition the joint; or portions of the joint may be removed entirely. What works best for you largely depends on the severity of your bunion and your personal needs and lifestyle. The experts at NorthPointe Foot & Ankle will evaluate your condition and discuss the available surgical options with you. Once you have settled on a procedure, the doctors are able to move forward with treatment and help you prepare for the surgery.

Advances in medicine have decreased the amount of time it takes to heal after a procedure, but you will still need time to recover. Your foot will be in a boot or brace to help protect the joint. You may or may not need to avoid bearing weight on the affected foot for some time following the procedure, depending on what kind of surgery was performed. Like with any surgery, there are risks, so you will need to follow all the post-operative directions for cleaning and care to prevent infection as well. Also, even though a bunionectomy can radically reduce your discomfort and help restore your mobility, it is possible for the problem to recur, so you will need to be careful with your shoe choices.

If you’re struggling with a painful and bulging big toe joint that does not seem to be improving with conservative treatments, bunion surgery may be an option for you. It can correct the source of your discomfort and eliminate your pain. The experts at NorthPointe Foot & Ankle are able to evaluate your lower limbs and help determine what treatment will be most effective for you. Don’t let your condition get worse and develop complications that will take longer to recover. Contact our office in Berkley for an appointment or more information by visiting the website contact page, or by calling (248) 545-0100.