Spring Season Heel Pain and Shoes | NorthPointe Foot & Ankle

Spring Season Heel Pain and Shoes | NorthPointe Foot & Ankle

With the snow melting away, it’s time to switch out the boots for more spring-like footwear. No more need to slosh through Michigan’s icy slush. Flats, sneakers, and other light shoes are free to adorn your feet as you stroll outside once again. Transitioning footwear can be hard on your feet, though, especially as you switch from winter boots to spring gear. Problems with heel pain and shoes are closely connected.

Your footwear can either cushion and protect your feet or contribute to the strain on your lower limb structures. Good winter boots are solid and support the feet. Typically they have thicker, cushioned interiors to keep the lower limbs warm. The extra padding can help you absorb shock as well. Lighter shoes may or may not have the same support and shock absorption. Flats in particular rarely have any extra protection. Sneakers are usually better—typically they have cushioned soles and some degree of arch support.

However, the sudden change in stabilization, especially if there’s a loss of it, stresses your connective tissues and muscles. After a little while, heel pain can develop. As you transition to your spring footwear, remember to be careful and conscious about your shoe choices so that you can avoid sore lower limbs. Choose shoes with padded soles and sufficient arch support for your regular, daily footwear. Then you can save your flats, high heels, sandals, or any other less supportive shoes for different occasions.

Since heel pain and shoes can significantly affect each other, don’t take your choices for granted. If you’re struggling with heel pain as you transition to your more season-appropriate gear, don’t just power through. Contact our expert staff here at NorthPointe Foot & Ankle in Berkley, MI, for an appointment or more information. Call (248) 545-0100 or use the website contact page to reach us.